My name is Akhil Devaguptapu I am studying my last year of Btech
CSE at SRKR engineering college in Bhimavaram
I like to play badminton, read story books, solve coding
questions and watch movies, in my spare time I create and design
websites, I am learning MERN stack presently
My Skills
Programing languages: C, C++, Java, Python
Web Development: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, React
Server side Programing: PHP
Version control: GIT and github
Query languages: MySql
I am presently learning react and I am halfway through it.I have
done many projects on frontend html,css and javascript. I
have given info about projects which I have done in the past years
which you might find impressive.
My Projects
I have done some projects some of them are given below, my every
project is responsive
A Social Media Website
This is a project which is crud application where a user can
create an account and using the credentials he can login to his
account i.e, he is directed to his webpage where he can post
some pictures and data (which I called it as a post), he can
delete posts if anything has gone wrong. he can view other
person posts and lastly he can delete his account if needed
Skills Used:
This is the index page of the website through which we
can navigate to sign up or login
This is the sign up page the login page also looks the
the userpage of the user the searched user's posts also
will be also of same format but some functional buttons
will disappear
This is the post creation box where the user creates a
A Small Games Website
This is a project which is a simple html, css and javascript
webpages which comprises of three games
1. Tic Tac Toe, 2. Memory game and 3. Hangman
each game has a game logic which was coded with javascript and
bootstrap was not used in this project
Skills Used:
This is the index page of the website through which we
can navigate to different games
TicTacToe: many people know this game, there are two
modes 2 player and bot
Memory game:Try to find pairs under the hidden cards,
wrong guess reverses back the cards
Hangman:A word guessing game with clues and limited
number of gusses
A Spotify clone app
This project is a functional frontend for a music streaming application similar to Spotify.
I built it to demonstrate my skills in front-end development and user interface (UI) design.
The UI mimics the familiar layout of Spotify,The code is well-structured using reusable components,
promoting maintainability and scalability.
Skills Used:
This is how the index page of the website looks like
A webpage for each individual song
Song Recomendations
Album webpage
My Portfolio
Lastly my portfolio,it is the website which you are seeing, this
is not a template from internet, I used css animations for the
background, I should have used react for the project as the code
turned out to be too big to manage, anyways I hope you liked it
Skills Used:
Contact Me
My GitHub username: DevAkhil13
My EmailId: